Mastrofrancesco AFC INC.

How To Help

"A Commitment to Quality Residential Care"

Please Make a Donation HERE! Thank You!

How to Help

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Welcome to the page that can make a big difference in your life as well as in the lives of the children, families and adults that Mastrofrancesco AFC Inc. serves every day!  Mastrofrancesco AFC Inc. offers many opportunities for you to make a commitment of your time, and or talents to help brighten lives in our community.  Thank you for your interest!

Listed below are several ways you can make a difference:

Make a Donation

In addition to donating by phone or mail, Mastrofrancesco AFC Inc. has partnered with to provide you with a means to make a secure online cash donation. Click Here to make a secure

online donation.  We also welcome donations of computers, school supplies, furniture, hospital supplies, clothing, etc. 

Plan a Fundraiser

You can sponsor an event to raise funds for Mastrofrancesco AFC Inc. Please contact us to learn how.


Join us by volunteering to help staff fulfill our mission to help children, adults and families improve their lives. You can apply to be on a committee. Please contact us for more information.

Harbor Christmas Party 2007

Click Here For Donation Form